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Code for installation of fire emergency lights2020-09-17 09:02:44
Code for installation of fire emergency lights

1. In engineering design, in order to facilitate peacetime maintenance and management, fire emergency lighting is best to supply power by a special feed circuit.

2. In order to ensure the reliability of the power supply for fire emergency lighting, the low-voltage emergency bus section of the substation shall supply power when conditions permit, that is, when the diesel generator set is used as the emergency power supply, as long as the generator is put into use, it will have power to continue to ensure the power supply.

3. In the state of fire, there is less smoke and more oxygen near the ground. The instinctive response of evacuation is to bend down or crawl forward, so local high-illumination lighting is more effective than the uniform illumination brought by high-altitude installation.

So low installation should be advocated, that is, near the ground or at the ground level to provide emergency lighting for evacuation.

4, emergency lights are in discharge state factory, before use must be charged for 20 hours, can be discharged.

5, the use of emergency lamps should be regularly performance inspection, every half a month or a month through the continuous switch test, to check the circuit conversion and battery emergency function, and discharge, in order to extend the life of the battery.

6. Make good fire protection of distribution lines, lay in non-combustion body structure during dark application, and the protective layer shall be no less than 30mm thick;

Wear metal pipe when open application, and brush fireproof paint or adopt other fireproof measures on the outside of steel pipe;

The lines shall be fireproof or fireproof cables and wires.

The above is about the fire emergency light installation specifications related to the introduction, if you want to know more about the fire emergency light installation specifications related information, please pay more attention to together decoration network, together decoration network will provide you with more complete, more detailed, updated  information.